Member-only story
Poetry, hey.
Well, what is it?
Must it always be
roses and chocolates,
cheesy moonlit
self-sorry grunge lit
or self-aping, self-promo’d
poehets and pundits
that get all the big hits
while much of the good shit
️the transcendent-glorious,
righteous-sublime bits,
tends to miss way more
than hit (the skids)
& a poet must throw
a hissy shit fit
and keep on sucking
on the hindmost tit
trailing even
the most illiterate
objectively dumb shit
and come over like
a stupid git️
or pull up their britches
and get over it
and file it
in the fuck-it bucket?
I don’t much care
about any of it,
I do my bit
and be done with it,
I’m nursing a bona fide
poetry habit
and it you don’t like it
you’re welcome to leave it
or love it